Anywhere vehicles and people are in close proximity to each other has the potential to be dangerous. Therefore, it’s not surprising that car park lighting solutions should focus primarily on safety; users should feel comfortable walking to and from their vehicles, while pedestrians should be visible to drivers at all times.
Whether outdoors or undercover, a lighting solution that ensures adequate illumination across the entire area – while minimising dark spots and shadowing – is paramount. Following the lighting recommendations in the relevant Australian Standards can help to achieve this.
Advanced Lighting Technologies can supply an efficient and effective car park lighting solution that allows for safe movement of both motorists and pedestrians – our industry specialists have years of experience designing lighting solutions that comply with the technical parameters recommended by the following car park related Standards:
• AS/NZS 1158.3.1
• AS/NZS 2890.1 & AS 2890.2
• AS/NZS 1680.2.1
Keep reading for more information, or use the links below to view the full range of our car park lighting products. Alternatively you can contact us or get in touch with your local sales representative directly!