The Benefits of Solar Lighting

Solar Lighting Solution

By now, it’s likely we all know that solar lighting can offer a more sustainable, environmentally friendly approach to lighting. Using renewable energy from the sun produces no greenhouse gas emissions and minimises the system’s overall carbon footprint. But did you know that beyond sustainability, solar lighting can offer other advantages over traditional lighting systems […]

The Basics of LED Sports Lighting

Harbourside Netball

Sports lighting helps to ensure a safe environment for participants and observers, and allows facilities to extend their operating hours.

IP & IK Ratings Explained

IP Rating IK Rating

Ever wondered what the individual numbers and letters found in IP & IK ratings actually mean? This article explains all.

LED Driver Inrush Currents

‘Inrush Current’ of a LED driver refers to the input current of short duration that flows into the LED driver.



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Cree Lighting in Australia

Cree Lighting in Australia

Advanced Lighting Technologies are the sole authorised distributor of Cree Lighting Products in Australia.